Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Changing Channel - The Growing Popularity Of Broadband Television

What do you like watching on television? Whether you prefer talent shows, reality TV, movies or sports, you can find a channel for everything nowadays.

Although the age-old concept of watching the TV as a family may have changed over the years, many of us remain glued to our sets as we catch up on soap operas and award-winning documentaries.

And now more of us are making use of our broadband connections in order to watch television. With the rise of video-sharing websites such as YouTube and the introduction of applications that will allow you to watch programs from a certain channel, we now have a greater degree of choice in both what we watch and when we watch it.

Internet television has seen huge advances and growing popularity since it was launched, and now more television stations around the world are making use of the trend, combined with the growing popularity of cheap broadband in order to capture viewers.

And with more of us making use of the internet in our everyday lives, we have been given the chance to escape the sofa and watch programmes we've missed without the use of expensive set-top boxes.

With a wide range of subjects available for viewing, from sporting events to political debates, it has never been easier to access up-to-date information and programmes at times that suit us, all from the comfort of our laptops.

And as technology becomes more advanced, both online and offline, internet television continues to develop, with some services offering features such as user interaction whilst viewing programs - without covering up the screen with annoying pop-ups and disrupting the viewing experience

So now, as well as viewing high-quality videos on a full screen, viewers can now not only search for biographies on actors, information on places seen on screen, but also jump to certain parts of scenes by using keywords.

In order to make the most of such services, it is advisable to make sure your connection is up-to-speed through use of a broadband speed test.

As technology develops, more of us are making use of affordable computers and laptops, cheaper broadband and a wide range of online services. And as more of us turn to watching television online, could this perhaps be a turning point for 'couch potatoes'?

Looking for better broadband? Perform a broadband speed test and compare cheap broadband providers to find a deal that suits you.

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Local Broadband Availability - When Can I Get A High Speed Connection?

The average American citizen has gradually become acclimated to broadband being a part of life. We use it to search for information, banking, checking utility, mortgage and stock accounts. But with high speed internet access being such a huge factor in our economy, is everyone converting fast enough to this new technology? In 2005, 30 percent of US households subscribed to these in-home services. That number increased to 42 percent household use in 2006 and gained again to total 47 percent in 2007. Accurate measurement of use in the USA is not clear, partly because of the scarcity of publicly available data.

Recent reports show that people increase activities online the more time they are connected. Dial-up subscribers are more likely to switch to services, the longer they spend online. Those people who do not want to make the switch are typically those with fewer computer skills and who are less online savvy. Users who sign up for services do so to process more information at greater speeds, but may be reluctant because of the overall price of services.

Scientific advances have improved wireless technology by leaps and bounds. Use of wireless technology has caused a serious transformation of rules concerning broadband on the public airwaves. This is because airwaves which were once ruled by only television and radio broadcast personnel are now instantly accessible to the public.

In the 109th Congress session, Congress voted to require a deadline for a mass transition to digital television. This brought to light many of the choicest portions of the electromagnetic spectrum and encouraged proposals to be entertained before the Federal Communications Commission concerning building commercial and public safety wireless networks to increase availability.

The 40 percent leap in growth of use and availability from 2006 to 2006 was unanticipated. Among the reasons that were found to support the increase are as follows:

  • Those with a lower level of education, in addition to African Americans, and Hispanics became convinced that broadband was a necessity
  • Companies marketing DSL online services became more aggressive in trying to achieve market share.
  • The use of Voice Over Internet services grew 86 percent as an inexpensive alternative to landlines.
  • The Federal Communications Commission says that high speed service was made available via DSL to 79 percent of local telephone company subscribers, and cable modem availability to 93 percent of cable television subscribers.

It is increasingly clear that there are two major groups of people who have not yet subscribed to broadband: dial-up users, and non-Internet users.

    The dial-up users may be content with dial-up speed because they get have lower usage expectations and it may fit their budget. Or they may want service, but it is too pricey and not available in their area, or;

    Non-Internet users are those who have written off using this "newfangled technology". Those who eventually decided to take the next step into the 21stcentury were probably enticed by bundling telephone, cell phone, cable and high speed Internet services.

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