Saturday, July 12, 2008

Getting Connected With T1 Phone Line

A normal home or small office has a standard copper or fiber optic phone line which transmits voice signals at a certain speed per second. Basic phone lines can also be used to connect computer modems. A certain amount of data can be exchanged through the phone line from a computer.

This is appropriate for home or home office use; however, businesses often employ multiple staff and connect multiple computers and telephones. A standard phone line would not be able to handle the amount of voice and data traffic generated by a medium to large-sized office.

The answer to getting businesses connected is T1 phone lines. These phone lines allow for 60 times the amount of data to be communicated via telephone and computer.

T1 phone lines are most effective for small businesses with 8 to 24 phone lines and for federal or government agencies which received discounted rates. As businesses grow, they require more storage space for data.

At this point, T1 phone lines are not enough to serve the needs of the business. Most ISPs (Internet Service Providers) charge exorbitant fees to increase storage capacity.

The answer is to upgrade to a T3 line which allows high-volume data exchange for medium to large-sized businesses. The T3 is 50 times faster than a 56k modem. This will help large offices meet the needs of their customers and enable staff to work more efficiently.

T1 Phone Line Trouble

T1 lines can be costly due to the fact that they offer 24 channels. Most businesses rent the lines as well as paying monthly rates for their Internet Service Provider and telephone service provider.

It is only cost-effective to use this type of fiber optic phone line when high volumes of data are being exchanged on a daily basis. An option for businesses with varying amounts of data is the partial T1 line.

This line can be rented at a discounted rate. The cost is cheaper because businesses only gain access to part of a T1 phone line. Businesses do not obtain access to all 24 channels at the same time but do gain access to several channels. Businesses also get the added benefit of high speed service at a reduced price.

As mentioned earlier, larger businesses will benefit by upgrading from T1 to T3 service. This service is much faster and can handle various multimedia at a high exchange rate. T1 phone lines are adequate for growing small businesses that utilize Internet and phone service on a daily basis.

Article written by Van Theodorou, he gives a free consultation to see if you can slash money off your telecom expenses, including low cost sip termination and guaranteed lowest rates on voice t1 lines.

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Broadband Internet Plans - Makes Your Surfing A Cool Breeze

Broadband refers to high speed web access with a higher data transmission rate. The cyber world has been drastically revolutionized with the arrival of broadband internet. Generally, all the 256 kbps connections are considered as being the broadband ones. The ITU (International-Telecom-Union) Standardization Sector has defined the broadband as the transmission-capacity that's extremely fast when compared to the ISDN.

So far, there is no bit rate that's specifically defined by the industry and therefore broadband could also mean methods of transmission with lower-bit-rate. Some ISPs (Internet Service Providers) have been taking advantage of it and market themselves as being the providers of broad band connections that are actually lower bit rate internet connections. However, subscribers usually don't get the same bandwidth as these ISPs advertise. Most often ISPs allow more customers to subscribe to their services than can be handled with ease. They do so assuming that most of the users won't be using the using the services as the same time and thus the services would be available for all without any problem. This strategy is a rule that lets you use the entire bandwidth allocated to you as frequently as you need. However, extended-high-bandwidth duration is required for P2P file-sharing systems. Thus, the issues are stressed and make a big cause of concern for the ISPs who have got more subscribers than the bandwidth they have to offer.

It's expected that in the years to come online video-on-demand services will become highly popular as the bandwidth delivered to end users will also increase. However, these services require more specialized networks. The data transmission rate that most of the broad band services offer is still insufficient as far as providing high quality video is concerned. For playing MPEG 2 videos, at least 6Mbps data transmission speed is needed. Though you can avail video for very few purposes at lower-data-rates as well such as at 384 or 768kbps for video conferencing.

There are a number of ISPs that offer various lucrative broadband internet plans you can choose according to your requirements. Choose the plan that best fits your requirements of daily internet usage or the speed.

Raina Kelsey is an expert author, and writes about latest gadgets.
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