Friday, June 27, 2008

Connect PC to TV

How do you connect pc to TV? What are the tools that you need or is there any software necessary to accomplish this?

To have a connection between your pc and TV you would need a cable which would serve as a converter. The cable is a cord which connects to the pc and outputs the image coming from the monitor to the television which the other cable end is connected. This would allow you to watch internet TV or DVD in your pc DVD drive but the viewing would be seen on the TV. It's like making your TV a huge monitor for your pc where you can actually surf the Net, view pictures and many more. If you enjoy home entertainment, or love to watch movies at home, this is the initial move to making a Home Theatre PC.

There are various kinds of PC to TV cables, each function in somewhat dissimilar ways. One of the known differences between cables is the way it is connected to the pc. This can be done on the outputs of the computers video card wherein the monitor is connected. Another cause of differences between cables is the way it is connected to the television; they have types of input connections. The third reason is because some cables serves as converters. A regular PC/TV cable simply directs what's on the pc to the television. But if you have a modernized TV with several enhancement options and your pc is well upgraded, then you might be able to manipulate on how to make the images appear better on the TV screen. If the cable is a converter then the images will automatically be adjusted, meaning you don't need to change any settings on your pc or tv. You simply need to plug the cable and watch the videos. These types of cables usually necessitate a power source like USB port from your pc.

What must you do to connect pc to TV? What you need to do is connect the USB cord of the PC to TV cable into its matching port on your computer. Next is to link the VGA Y-cord's blue connector marked as "PC" to the monitor or VGA port that can be found at the back of your computer. You could either link the composite video which is indicated through a yellow RCA jack or an S-Video which is a pure black 4-pin connection output to an S-Video cable or composite video cable. Not to worry if you lack a video cable as this is easily available at any hardware or electronics store. You must link the VGA monitor cord with the VGA Y-cord's blue connector marked as "monitor". If you are using a laptop then the end connector which is marked as "monitor" cannot be used. You must connect the video cable end with the video input of the TV or projector or any other equipment that you will utilize. You can toggle the input display to match with the input video that you're going to use. With the toggle option you can control the input to display whatever you prefer the tv to display. Each TV differs from the other so you could refer the TV user guide for further instructions. Finally you could turn on the pc and let it boot up for you to see the result.

John Sugarman is an internet marketer and a Satellite TV enthusiast, for more information about Connect Pc to TV Visit

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The Mobile Office - Wireless Broadband Internet

Every day the phase 'mobile office' becomes more and more real for everyday business people. Technology advances at such a rapid pace, and week after week becomes more available for the small to medium business sector. No longer are high tech solutions only available for the blue chip companies. If you are a one man operation or a FTSE 100 company you should be installing new technologies on a regular basis, if you are not, then frankly you, should be. Any business owner knows that there are only three ways to improve your bottom line.

1) Increase revenue - By implementing marketing strategies, providing outstanding levels of service so that existing customers purchase from you time after time and refer you to the business contacts, and by employing professional sales people whose main objective is to service the customer needs. There are of course other ways of increasing revenue and we could go into different marketing strategies; however that is for another article.

2) Decrease costs - You don't need to be a mathematician to figure out that if you spend less you will have more money in the pot at the end of the year. There are so many areas where you can reduce costs but beware! Sometimes reducing expenditure can end up costing you more in the long run. I work in the Telecommunications industry so I will give you an example relevant to my experience. I was recently asked to help a local business that was having problems with their fixed line telephone supplier.

A few years ago this business was using a large company to supply their fixed line infrastructure and call billing. This large company was the market leader and was relatively expensive. The local business was approached by a small telecommunications company and were sold a product where they remain with the larger company for the infrastructure and switched to them for the call costs and billing, at a very good saving. Good business I hear you say, and it was at first. The problems started when the local business was having faults with the infrastructure (Lines) initially they called in a local engineer to test their telephone system; after many visits from the engineer and many dollars spent the conclusion was a fault was on the line. The small telecommunications company that were providing the billing was contacted; unfortunately they don't employ engineers as they are simply a billing company and don't get involved with the infrastructure.

The original provider was then contacted but the local business was informed that they could not help as they were no longer a customer and were told to contact the billing company. Around in circles they went. No such great business I hear you say now. Thankfully I was able to recommend a solution that met their needs for service and for cost. As I said earlier I am employed by a major telecommunications company in Australia as I am an expert in my field, and known for my attention to detail by establishing the needs of my clients and implementing solutions that fit. There have been occasions where I have recommended other companies that I am not affiliated with as they have an option that would better fit the needs of my clients. I still do business with these clients but in different areas. If you are approached by any company claiming to be able to save you money please ensure that they are fulfilling your needs NOT there own.

3) Improve efficiency - Implement strategies that will save you time and money, and introduce new technologies that enable you to perform more tasks in less time. This will enable your staff to have time to spend on rule number one - increase revenue.

Wireless Broadband Internet

Now we are familiar with how improving technologies in your business, in conjunction with your rate of growth will improve efficiency we can in turn improve your bottom line, by looking at a technology that will do just that no matter what size of business you are.

Wireless Broadband Internet is exactly that, internet on your laptop with broadband speeds and no wires, 100% portable. The modem will be slightly different in appearance depending on which supplier you use and they may have a slightly different name for it, but, essentially it is all the same.

The modem is about the size of a matchbox and connects via a USB port; it uses mobile telephone technology. It has a SIM card inside the same as your mobile telephone has.

A few years ago this technology was reserved for directors and senior management. I used to work for a company in the UK and I had to sign for a wireless card everyday when I went into the office and was not allowed to take it home. Then WIFI arrived. Sure, this was great at home but I was travelling all around the UK Monday to Friday, only a third of hotels would have a WIFI connection and then you had to pay to use it! The alternative was to drive around with my laptop on the passenger seat looking for a WIFI hotspot in a town I was unfamiliar with. I am sure many of you can relate to this.

With wireless broadband internet you will be able to access email and the internet anywhere you have a mobile telephone signal. As 96% of the Australian population receives a mobile telephone signal of some description, it would be difficult to find a populated area unable to get a connection. Now that the majority of Australia's major cities and suburbs are covered by 3G or HSDPA not only will you be able to access email and the internet but it will a at a broadband speed similar to what you would expect from your desktop PC.

You will also have the facility to use international roaming to receive access abroad (Additional charges may apply.)

Wireless Broadband Internet is now priced very competitively with data plans up to 5GB. You should be able to pick this up at a similar price to what you pay for your broadband connection at home. The benefits to this product are endless but here are a few:

1) Possibly no need to pay for a fixed line broadband connection at home.
2) Staff can work from home more.
3) Office based staff may be able to continue working from home is a child is off school sick.
4) Field based staff will be able to work more efficiently, sending and receiving email and placing orders whilst out in the field.
5) Reduce office space required

Scott MacLean: A published author, Telecommunications Professional, Sale Trainer, and Public Speaker.

Scott MacLean's background is with Telewest Broadband (UK) and as a company owner, after moving to Melbourne with his family in 2007 Scott was approached by a company representing, the second largest telecommunication company in Australia and offered a position to provide expert advice to business customers, implement sales training programs and to represent the company at association events.

If you require information regarding wireless broadband internet, mobile telephones, or fixed line systems and infrastructure please email Scott at

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